It is a relief to know that “diversity in the political spectrum” is being brought to the University of Melbourne by the recent appointment of former Liberal Party MP Sophie Mirabella as a public policy fellow.

Students should also rejoice that Mirabella’s “real life experiences” will result in a “value added” education.

While it’s certainly a coup to land somebody so adept at turning political contacts into career opportunities (see also her recent appointment to the board of the Australian Submarine Corporation), some have been wondering what Mirabella might contribute to the education of Melbourne University students.

Maybe we will get exhaustive lectures on the evils of student unionism, why the monarchy is good and why we need to cut corporate tax rates.

Mirabella’s commitment to the free exchange of ideas may also encourage her to teach students that “no Indigenous children were stolen in Victoria” or, paradoxically, that these policies were required to “benefit them”.

She may, however, backtrack and say the issue is too divisive and refuse to turn up – as she did when the federal parliament apologised to the Stolen Generations.

Mirabella has little credibility as a developer of policy, but in her own words knows how to “get politics done” (though perhaps she’ll keep quiet on getting done over by independent Cathy McGowan).

Presumably, students will learn how to mock female classmates for being childless, or to call others “frothing-at-the-mouth lefties" for even mealy-mouthed criticisms of the US empire.

Hopefully there will also be lessons in community engagement. We've all seen the pictures of Tony Abbott standing in front of the “Julia … Bitch” placard at climate change denial rallies. You didn't see Mirabella? Suitably, she was standing two steps to Abbott's right.

Perhaps the former MP can contribute to mentoring the best minds that Melbourne University has to offer. Here she does have runs on the board.

Take former Melbourne University Liberal Club President Brendan Rowswell, who was caught on tape making anti-Semitic remarks in 2006, following accusations of sexually assaulting a fellow party member earlier that year.

It’s not just that Mirabella herself was once president of this cess pit. Rowswell was Mirabella’s office staffer at the time.