Another grand jury has refused to indict a white cop for murdering an unarmed Black man.

In this case, the murder was caught on video in New York City.

The video shows Eric Garner, an African American, selling individual cigarettes on the street, being set upon by a group of cops.

One cop is seen putting Garner in a chokehold. The other cops pile on, and Gardener is choked to death.

The cops then arrested the person who made the video – and his girlfriend.

This comes after the exoneration, by a grand jury, of police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri.

That injustice gave impetus to protests about the national epidemic of police murders of young Black and Latino men.

On 30 November, millions who were watching a St. Louis Rams football game on TV, saw five Black Rams players come out onto the field with the now ubiquitous “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” gesture.

The St. Louis cops were infuriated, and demanded the National Football League apologise to the police and discipline the players.

About seventy percent of NFL players are African-American, so the League officials wisely decided to ignore the outrageous police demand.

Not to be outdone by their big city counterparts, Ferguson police have announced that they have opened an investigation of Michael Brown’s stepfather.

Someone made a video of the man as he burst into tears after the decision was announced to not even have a trial of the cop who murdered his stepson.

Crying and angry, he blurted out something like the “place should be burned down”. The cops, puffed up with renewed swagger after the decision in their favour, aim to go after Brown’s stepfather for “inciting”.

If they pursue this course, what happened in Ferguson the night of the announcement will look like a British afternoon lawn tea party by comparison.

The day after the football players made their appearance, there were student walkouts in Ferguson and about 30 other cities. In Washington, D.C., a “die-in” was held in front of the Justice Department building.

There is currently a march, called by the NAACP, winding its way from the site where Brown was gunned down to the governor’s mansion in Jefferson, Missouri, some 200 miles away.

All this has created a national discussion. In the first days after Darren Wilson was exonerated in the judicial farce, Wilson was given a great deal of TV time to vent his racist version of the killing.

Because of the national scope of actions since, more attention has focused on the protests and the issue of police brutality.

The mass pressure has even reached into the White House. President Obama was forced to hold meetings on the question – not only with government officials, but even with a delegation of young Black activists.

One of the young activists was Ashley Yates, a Black poet and artist, and a member and co-creator of Millennial Activists United.

Speaking on Democracy Now!, she said, “I told the president that this movement has to be maintained. I gave him a very personal story about why I continue to do this work. ‘In particular, one of my younger cousins, who likes to run’ – I looked the President in the eye – ‘I want to make sure that unlike [other victims] Tamir Rice and Trayvon Martin and unlike Mike Brown, my little cousin can make it home safely.’

“We laid on the table that the whole [militarisation] program needs to be abolished. There is no reason why local law enforcement should have military weapons.”

Countering the administration’s excuse that such weapons are needed to “fight terrorism”, she said, “They are the ones carrying out terrorism on our communities … it’s being used to oppress American citizens, so it needs to be stripped away.”

When asked about Wilson’s resigning from the Ferguson police force, she said, “He should not have been able to resign. He should have been fired over 100 days ago.

“Also, he is resigning a much richer man. It is profitable to kill a Black boy. Not only profitable, but you get away scot free.”

She was referring to the fact that Wilson’s supporters set up a web site to raise funds from fellow racists nationally that has so far netted him over $500,000. He is getting paid for interviews and has other sources.

Ashley Yates is not alone. There is a new generation of young Black leaders emerging. They are forming different organisations around the country. They are beginning to break free from the older Black leaders, who have to a greater or lesser extent made peace with the powers that be.

They can “look [a Black President] in the eye” and tell it like it is.